
short urls for everything important

Link to documents

It's simple.

Memorable links

Where is our insurance info?
You can find it at f/insurance
And when do we get paid?
That's at f/payroll-calendar

Important how-tos

For internal or external docs.


Give us your email and we'll let you know when we launch.

How it works

First, everyone in your team installs the flylinks browser extension.

Then, anyone can navigate to a flylink to create it.

Paste the long url.

Voila! Everyone on your team can use the flylink instead of the long url.

Your own namespace

Only the members of your team can create, edit, or view your team's flylinks.

Your library of important links

Shared bookmarks without the clutter. Everything in one place.


Give us your email and we'll let you know when we launch.